Here's a re-cap of today's focus: Puritans Women were not so bad off compared to England and other areas of the world. Women made up nearly 75% of the church, supported one another because of their close proximity, and carried a lot of weight with their opinions. The downside of this was that because of their “power of influence” they were often charged with slander. A woman’s opinion could ruin a minister’s career. Also, most women could read and write. This literacy rate was unparalleled anywhere else in the world. Why? Because reading the Bible was important to them. Women were also more cherished and respected because of the Puritan faith than in other religious communities. While they could not hold office, they were able to divorce (although infrequently), were protected from abuse and neglect, and men were held accountable for abandonment or adultery. Anne Bradstreet- Puritan poet. As you read the prologue, consider what she is saying about the status of Puri...