Feel free to provide links here for the debates for and against the 2nd Amendment. You can leave them in the comment section. I'll provide material for both sides because I think it is imperative for a person that defends a position to know both sides. There are meritorious reasons for both sides of this discussion. Today, I have been reading some current events, something I hope you do, at least weekly. I've been watching some of the headlines coming out of Spain, where a region is hoping to claim its independence. Spain disagrees with their decision to separate. While the Catalonian citizens were showing up to vote for their secession, they were met with government opposition in rather brutal forms. Here are some images:

Here's an article on the events in Spain.
Is this an example of government tyranny? Would armed citizens be a useful thing here? What are the gun laws in Spain?
Is fear of our government a reason to keep the Second Amendment? What do you think? What other examples are in our current events that might support legislation that upholds the Second Amendment?
Here is a recent article put out today by CNN with charts comparing US gun ownership with other nations. This might be a really smart bit of information for you to be familiar with for the debates.

Here's an article on the events in Spain.
Is this an example of government tyranny? Would armed citizens be a useful thing here? What are the gun laws in Spain?
Is fear of our government a reason to keep the Second Amendment? What do you think? What other examples are in our current events that might support legislation that upholds the Second Amendment?
Here is a recent article put out today by CNN with charts comparing US gun ownership with other nations. This might be a really smart bit of information for you to be familiar with for the debates.
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