Our last class focused on Westward Expansion. Here are some main points for you to keep in mind.
Lt. Colonel Custer loved combat and war and fought for the fun of it. He led the Great Sioux War that lasted fifteen months, the largest military campaign since the Civil War. He ordered his men to attack an Indian camp, not realizing how outnumbered they were. Within minutes, they were surrounded by as many as 2500 warriors led by Crazy Horse. After half an hour of fighting, Custer and 210 of his men were all dead. The Sioux won the battle, but by doing so, they ensured they'd lose the war. Grand and Congress abandoned the "peace policy."
By 1900, the West resembled the South where agricultural resources were concentrated in the hands of a few. In the 1890s, poor farmers in the West joined with tenant farmers in the South to support the People’s party or the Populist movement, which sought to wrest control of the political and economic system from the powerful East and return it to the “plan” folk. This contest would dominate the nation’s politics in the 1890s and set its course for the twentieth century.
- Like the South, the West has always been a region wrapped in myths and stereotypes.
- Manifest Destiny is the belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was justified and inevitable.
- Between 1870 and 1900, Americans settled more land in the West than in the centuries before 1870.
- Much of this expansion and mythology stems from American landscape artists, like Bierstadt and Russell.
- In order to attract more women to the West, some states allowed women to vote and hold office. Wyoming was first, then Utah, Colorado, and Idaho soon followed.
- As settlers spread across the continent, some 25,000 Native Americans, many originally from East of the Mississippi, were forced into what was supposed to be their last refuge.
- The fighting between the Native Americans and the Americans continued, as Americans repeatedly violated the treaty provisions. In the summer of 1862, Sioux warriors killed 644 white traders, government officials, and soldiers in the Minnesota Valley.
- After some Native Americans murdered a white family, John Evans, the territory governor called for whites to “kill and destroy” the Indians. He persuaded “friendly Indians” to gather in “places of safety.” Once gathered, Methodist minister, Col. John M. Chivington, told his men to “kill and scalp all Indians, big and little.” For over seven hours, the Colorado militiamen slaughtered, scalped, and mutilated 165 peaceful Indians, men, women, children, and the elderly. One first waved an American flag and then a white flag, but the attacking soldiers paid no heed. This is known as The Sand Creek Massacre.

- President Grant urged Congress to adopt more progressive policies.

Our literature included a close reading of a portion of Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby and an editorial article arguing that Gatsby is as relevant in our modern times as it was in 1926. I thought the writer did a great job connecting this novel to modern issues, which is a skill I want you to develop. We don't just read texts to see what life was like at a certain time. It often matters today. How many folks do we know that seek fortune? Status? Popularity? How many of them aren't concerned about the damage they cause to those around them? Our culture is quick to sell us this lifestyle. This is the "American Dream"--A big house, fancy cars, lots of friends, and fame, right? Many folks today still feel that Gatsby got the raw end of the deal in this novel, that he was mistreated and that all those around him were selfish and cruel. Do you feel sorry for Gatsby? Why or why not? What is lacking in these characters' lives? What really matters? Do these riches bring any of them joy or peace?
Do any of them know love? Friendship? Loyalty? Honesty? Would you want to be a character in Gatsby's world?
Read the next three chapters for class Tuesday. No other homework, other than reviewing for the quiz and prepping for your 60-second project pitch. Make sure you know our literary movements. I'm determined to get you all to know them and know them well. :)
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